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You need to install Meitrack Manager first. (Visit www.meitrack.com to download the software; software version: later).
After the installation is completed, connect the USB cable to a computer, and then perform the following steps to configure the
(1) After the MDVR is installed, connect it to the network and server. You can configure the MDVR by using any of the following
methods: Meitrack Manager software, SMS, and platform.
Set the IP address and port for uploading positioning data, IP address and port for uploading video data, and the user name and
password of the FTP server:
SMS configuration:
Send the following command to set the IP address and port for uploading positioning data:
0000,A21,1,,50005,APN(for example, internet),APN_USER,APN_PASSWORD.
(2) Set the IP address of the FTP server. Video data will be uploaded to the specified FTP server.
(3) Set the network.
There are three network connections: cellular network (3G/4G), WiFi, and Ethernet. Ethernet is the best choice, WiFi is the second
choice, and a cellular network is the last choice. It means that if the MDVR is connected to Ethernet, the WiFi and cellular network
will be disabled.
WiFi configuration:
As shown in the following figure, enter the WiFi SSID and password and click
. The WiFi network connection is set successfully.
You can click
to search the WiFi list nearby.