8 Starting of Operation
If the connected system was not found by the automatic search, a connection can be
established manually by
Add Device
Establishing a Network Connection
Select the connection type
. Then enter the
IPv4 address of the system you want to connect to.
Select the authentication option.
The option User-
name & Password is only supported on systems with
TCP Port
The TCP port is used to communicate with your sys-
tem. Please make sure that the port is not blocked by
your firewall configuration.
Save Credentials
With this checkbox you ensure that the Device Man-
ager has remembered the login for this system. When
the program is restarted, the User and Password fields
are already filled out.
Silent Login
You have the option that the Meinberg Device Man-
ager does not ask for a user name and password every
time you log in.
Custom Alias
Assign a custom alias for better identification of indi-
vidual systems/modules in Device Manager.
Custom Group
Assign the module/assembly to a previously created
Date: 29th July 2021