The Menus in Detail
Root Menu
The root menu is shown when the receiver has completed initialization after power-
up. During power-down the current date and time are kept in a battery buffered on-board
real time clock (RTC), so after power-up the initial calendar date and time should be
fairly correct. However, the red FAIL LED is on and a message is displayed asking to
acknowledge the initial time:
Unless the initial time is acknowledged by either pressing the CLR/ACK key in the
front panel or by setting the initial time via the RS-232 serial port the device stays in state
“unsynchronized“. This is to prevent the device from starting to distribute a wrong time
after power-up, which could otherwise happen due to interferences between an
incoming PPS pulse and the second changeover of the built-in RTC chip.
Once the initial time has been acknowledged the main menu is displayed. The first line
simply shows the module's function:
The next two lines display the current day of week, date, the name of the time zone
(just informational, as defined in the setup menu), and local time. The last line shows,
from left to right, the input levels of the control lines for the AM second marks 0 through
15. If a '1' is displayed a long time mark is generated at the corresponding second of a
minute, if a '0' is displayed, there will be a short mark at the corresponding second.
If the NEXT key is pressed in this menu, the display shows the module's firmware