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After pressing START the front trolleys will move to their starting point (at the previously
Movement speed
and the wire heating value from the
Manual Control
Once the starting point has been reached, the following message pops up:
This is the right momement to position the EPS block into its correct location. After you press
OK the cutting process will start immediately.
After the front trolleys complete the cut, they park in their top position automatically at the
Movement speed
and wire heating from Manual Control.
Next the side trolleys move to their start position previously set in the
Start points window (Side:
x,y) at the Movement speed and wire heating from Manual Control.
Afterr reaching their start position the side trolleys begin the cut with the parameters set in
Configuration (
Side: speed, power
When they side wires complete the cut it is necessary to part them below the table surface level
by pressing the
Side down
button on the main application window (
at the Movement speed and wire
heating from Manual Control)