Safety Instructions for Navigation
The bundled product CD/DVD contains a comprehensive instruc-
tion manual.
Tips for Navigation
Do not manipulate
the navigation system
while driving
to protect yourself and others from accidents!
In the event that you do not understand the voice instruc-
tion or if you are in any doubt about what to do at the next
intersection, then the map or arrow display will provide you
with a quick orientation.
Only look
at the display when
you are in a
safe driving situation
Legal remark
The use of devices that warn for traffic monitoring sys-
tems (like „speed traps”) is prohibited in some coun-
tries. Please obtain information about the legal situa-
tion and apply the waning function only where allowed.
We cannot be held liable for damages caused by the
use of the warning function.
The road layout and driving rules take precedence over
the instructions of the navigation system. Only follow
the instructions when circumstances and driving rules
permit it! The navigation system will guide you to your
destination even when you have to deviate from your
planned route.
The direction statements of the navigation system given do
not release the driver of the vehicle from his or her duty of
care or personal responsibility.
Plan routes before you leave. If you want to plan a new
route whilst on the road stop driving.