Q: What about ventilation? Is it unnecessary?
Based on extensive research, the current CPR guidelines
put an emphasis on effective chest compressions. If you
are trained and feel safe with ventilating the victim,
combining chest compressions and ventilation is
recommended at a rate of 30 compressions followed by 2
rescue breaths. For untrained rescuers or in case you do
feel safe or comfortable with ventilating the victim - chest
compression only CPR is recommended (based on similar
survival rates with either "Hands only" CPR or CPR with
both chest compressions and mouth to mouth ventilation)
Q: What is the recommended compression rate?
The recommended compression rate is 100-120/min. This
can be estimated by following the rhythm of the song
“Stayin’ alive/Bee Gees”.
It is important to
pay attention that pushing fast does not
result in shallower depth.
Q: How about other parameters not provided by the
device (rate, chest recoil etc.)?
Effective CPR is composed from several parameters and
not only compression depth. It is important to understand
though, that medical emergencies are very stressful
(especially when it comes to our loved ones). Too much
information provided by a feedback device, during real
time CPR can confuse lay rescuers and result in ineffective
CPR. The major gap nowadays is in estimating
compression depth (rate can be estimated by using other
means) and many studies show suboptimal compression
depth, even among professionals.
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