Edit TV Series
X3D TV Series App has a built in TV Series Edit facility. The Edit facility is used to correct Series names that
do not match the tvdb api name list and for Series that were incorrectly scraped. The Edit also offers facility
to change the Fanart and TV Series posters.
TV Series Scanning
For first time use you must Scan the root of the TV series as X3D will add some required files to the structure
during the scan.
Scanning in Media Library
Focus on the root folder ‘TV Series’ and press the ‘Menu’ button and the X3D will start the TV Series scan
and display a busy icon while the scan progresses.
Scanning from a Favourite Link
Focus on the Favourite Link ‘TV Series’ and press the ‘Menu’ button and the X3D will start the TV Series
scan and display a busy icon while the scan progresses.
During the scan the App will add images and xml files automatically.
After the initial ‘TV Series’ scan you can scan the Series folder directly if required.
Note: ‘Season’ folders cannot be scanned
or edited
Search results screen
After you conduct a search, the results will be
displayed showing a banner of all the matching TV
Series. If there are multiple results then left and right
arrows will be displayed and you can navigate all the
search results by pressing the Right / Left Nav
buttons. Focus on the correct TV Series and press
‘Enter’ and the images and info will be loaded onto the
Select Fanart Images
Use the Left / Right Navigation buttons to navigate
the screen. When the Fanart background is
highlighted in blue - press the ‘Enter’ button and a
selection of available fanart images will be displayed.
Navigate the fanart images with the Left / Right
Navigation buttons and select the image you require
by focusing on it and pressing the ‘Enter’ button.
Select Movie Poster Images
Use the Left / Right Navigation buttons to navigate
the screen. When the TV Series Poster cover is
highlighted in blue - press the ‘Enter’ button and a
selection of available TV Series posters will be
displayed. Navigate the poster images with the Left /
Right Navigation button and select the image you
require by focusing on it and pressing the ‘Enter’
Rescan TV Series
When new content is added to the TV Series structure it is required that you re-scan the TV Series or the
Series folder in order to build the new images and xml files.
Existing Episodes with matching
‘episode.name.xml’ files will not be re-scaned.