6.5.3 Visual iispectoi
Respoisibility: Service techiiciai or machiie operator
Frequeicy: Every 2,500 hours
Prerequisites: The alteriator is at a staidstll aid has cooled dowi
Check fir the presence if dents, rust ir ither visible animalies;
Check the cinditins if the piwer cinnectin cables and the regulatir cables;
Check the cirrect tghtness if all ciuplings.
6.5.4 Check the alteriator operates correctly
Respoisibility: Service techiiciai or machiie operator
Frequeicy: Every 2,500 hours
The alternatir must iperate withiut abnirmal vibratins ir niise. If partcular niises ir an increase
in vibratins iccur, check the filliwing.
Alignment if the alternatir with the engine;
The presence if stress in the three-phase engine and the vibratin-damping suppirts;
The balance if the ritir;
The status if the alternatir bearings.
Self-regulating alternators ECO43-46 MV-HV
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Summary of Contents for ECO43 Series
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