USB-1808X User's Guide
Functional Details
Encoder input operations can be paced by the internal clock or by an external clock (
– refer to
on page 15). They can be initiated by a digital trigger (
on page 15) or a pattern trigger
Pattern triggering on page 15
Synchronous I/O – mixing analog, digital, and counter scanning
on page 15 for information on running
quadrature encoder scans at the same time as other subsystem scans.
Each supported quadrature encoder option is explained in following table:
Quadrature encoder options
Count mode
Select X1, X2, or X4. Count modes provide different levels of accuracy with respect to the encoder
X1: counts rising edges on input A.
X2: counts rising edges and falling edges on input A.
X4: count rising and falling edges on both inputs A and B.
Range limit
When counting up: The counter stops when the maximum count (specified by the MAXLIMIT
value) is reached. Counting resumes if direction is reversed or the counter is cleared.
When counting down: The counter stops when the minimum count (specified by the MINLIMIT
value) is reached. Counting resumes if direction is reversed or the counter is cleared.
Quadrature encoder options that are specific to the Z signal (ENCxZ) are is explained in following table.
Z input quadrature encoder options ()
Counter mode
Clear on Z
The counter is cleared by the Z signal.
Latching mode allows the count to be latched by the Z signal.
Timer output
You can use
as 32-bit timer outputs. Each timer can generate pulse rates of up to 50 MHz,
with programmable pulse widths down to 10 ns.
The timer output rate and pulse width can be updated asynchronously at any time, however, doing so results in a
pulse stream that is not seamless.
The following timer output options are software-selectable:
pulse frequency
duty cycle (pulse width divided by the pulse period)
number of pulses to generate
time delay before starting the timer output after it is enabled
idle state of the output (idle high or idle low)
The time delay can range from 0 seconds to 42.94 seconds.
Figure 8. USB-1808X PWM timer channel
Timer output operations can be paced by the internal clock or by an external clock (
on page 15). They can be initiated by a digital trigger (