Chapter 6
Typical for 25 °C unless otherwise specified.
Specifications in
italic text
are guaranteed by design.
Power consumption
Table 1. Power consumption specifications
+5 V operating
1.6 A typical, 2.6 A max
+12 V
24 mA typical, 48 mA max
-12 V
16 mA typical, 25 mA max
Analog output
Table 2. Analog output specifications
D/A converter type
Resolution 12-bits
Number of channels
Output ranges
±10 V, ±5 V, ±2.5 V, 0 to 10 V, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 2.5 V.
Each channel independently programmable.
Data transfer
Programmed I/O
Offset error (calibrated)
±(300 µV + ¼ LSB)
Gain error (calibrated)
±(300 µV + ¼ LSB)
Differential nonlinearity
±1 LSB max
Integral nonlinearity
±1 LSB max
Monotonicity 12-bits
D/A gain drift
±2 ppm/°C
D/A offset drift
±5 µV/°C
Throughput PC
Settling time (20V step to ±½LSB)
6 µs typ, 10µs max
Slew rate
5 V/µs
Current drive
±5 mA
Output short-circuit duration
25 mA indefinite
Output coupling
Output impedance
0.1 Ohms max
Double buffered output latches
Update DACs individually or simultaneously (software selectable)
Power up and reset, all DAC's cleared to 0 volts, ±210 mV
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