BTH-1208LS User's Guide
Input low voltage limit
–0.5 V absolute min
0 V recommended min
Output voltage range
0 V to 3.3 V (no external pull up resistor)
0 V to 5.5 V max (Note 6 )
Output off state leakage current
1.0 µA typ. (Note 7 )
Sink current capability
50 mA max (continuous) per pin
Transistor on resistance
Ω max
Power on and reset state
USB operation: All input
Bluetooth operation: The digital I/O can either be all input at power on / reset or may
be configured to have user-configurable patterns written to the DIO when the
Bluetooth host is connected or disconnected.
Note 6:
Each transistor source pin is internally connected to DGND.
Note 7:
The external pull-up is connected to the digital output bit through an external pull-up resistor. Adding
an external pull-up resistor connects it in parallel with the internal 47.5
kΩ pull
-up resistor of that
particular digital input/output bit. Careful consideration should be made when considering the external
pull-up resistor value and the resultant pull-up voltage produced at the load.
Note 8:
Does not include the additional leakage current contribution through the internal or any external pull-
up resistor.
External trigger
Table 12. Digital trigger specifications
Trigger source (Note 7)
External digital; TRIG_IN terminal
Trigger mode
Software configurable for edge or level sensitive, rising or falling edge, high or low
Trigger latency
10 µs max
Trigger pulse width
1 µs min
Input type
Schmitt trigger, 47 kΩ pull
-down to ground
Schmitt trigger hysteresis
0.76 V typ
0.4 V min
1.2 V max
Input high voltage threshold
1.74 V typ
1.3 V min
2.2 V max
Input high voltage limit
5.5 V absolute max
Input low voltage threshold
0.98 V typ
0.6 V min
1.5 V max
Input low voltage limit
–0.5 V absolute min
0 V recommended min
External clock input
Table 13. External clock input specifications
Terminal name
Terminal type
Input clock rate
50 kHz, max
Clock pulse width
1 µs min
Input type
Schmitt trigger, 47
kΩ pull
-down to ground
Distributed By MicroDAQ, LLC 603-746-5524