There Is Still A Need To Know The
Knowing some of the basics of Astronomy is a good thing but it is something a person can
pick up as need be. Sometimes it is a simple thing of “Why do they call it that?” when
someone encounters something in the night sky. Then and there a short and to the point
history lesson might be in order so a person might have an appreciation of where the field
of Astronomy came from and the names of some of the major players along the way.
It is easy to take for granted something we can freely do today that would get you burned
alive at the stake several hundred years ago.
There is the basics of past history, there is the basics of the science involved and there is
the basics of what was the equipment of the past and the journey from the past to the
present. But another argument can be made that things are advancing so rapidly that new
cutting edge technology has a very limited life span before something else pops up over
the horizon. It used to take hundreds of years for the things to change and now it occurs
almost daily. So a person better jump aboard or get left behind.
To that end, ETX is now going to undergo some advanced
set up.