About The Telescope
The EclipseView Series are Dobsonian tabletop telescopes. The word “Dobsonian” comes from it’s inventor John
Dobson, who created this specialized mount. This mount style allows you to move the telescope both up/down
(vertical) and left/right (horizontal). Because its height is fixed, use the telescope on a tabletop or stable elevated
surface for comfortable viewing. Sturdy tabletop surfaces permit you to enjoy the 360° swivel mount while the
“point-and-look” design allow you to aim the scope at whatever celestial object you choose.
These optical tubes, called reflectors, use mirrors to focus incoming light. Inside the telescope, there are two
mirrors: a primary and a secondary mirror. The primary mirror is the largest of the two and is located at the bottom of
the tube. The secondary mirror is near the top of the tube.
The large primary mirror collects light from the object you’re looking at and bounces it forward to the secondary
mirror which redirects it out the side of the tube.
Always use the EclipseView Solar Filter when viewing at or near the Sun or irreversible eye damage may occur.