Technical Manual
Glass Push Button II Smart & Push Button Smart 86
MDT technologies GmbH, Geschäftsbereich Gebäudeautomation
Phone: +49-2263-880
Fax: +49-2263-4588
E-Mail: [email protected]
The parameter "
LED color at button activation
" defines the colour change of all status LEDs when a
button is pressed if they are assigned twice by the setting "LED reacts to external/internal object and
button activation". In this case, the settings in menu LED 1-12/A/B refer to control via the object; the
default setting "LED color at button activation" defines the behaviour when a button is pressed.
Blinking status LEDs can be synchronised via the flashing status
synchronisation object
. In this way, it
is possible to ensure that all LEDs in a room flash in the same rhythm. One push-button in the room is
defined as master and all other push-buttons as slaves. The objects LED flashing status are linked
together in a group address.
The parameter "
Indication of a long key press via status LEDs
" can be used to signal that the action
for a long key press has been executed by switching off the status LED. In this way, the operator can
be signalled that the long keystroke has been executed and the action is "completed". This setting,
however, is only effective if the LEDs react to key presses and is only valid for the following functions:
Switching/sending values short/long
Save scene
Send values/scenes if action for long key press is active
Operating mode selection, if action for long key press is active
For functions such as dimming, the long key press is not signalled because in this case the function is
executed as long as the key is pressed. When the key is released, a "stop telegram" is transmitted
The following table shows the available communication objects:
LED – Blocking object
1 Bit
Blocking of all LED´s
LED – Blinking status
1 Bit
Synchronising the flashing status
Table 70: Communication objects – LED basic settings