Mount the unit in a DRY location on any convenient surface using #8 screws.
The unit is equipped with a terminal strip for easy connection. Markings on the unit indicate
the proper wire connections.
IN +
Input Positive
IN -
Input Negative
Battery Negative
Battery Positive
The unit will operate whenever power is connected. The ON led will be illuminated whenever
power is connected to the charger. The OVERLOAD led will be illuminated whenever the
output current reaches the maximum.
If the ON led is not illuminated, check with a voltmeter for voltage between the IN + and IN -
connections. If there is power, check to make sure the connections are not reversed. Positive
should be on the outer terminal (terminal 1). If the connections are correct and the ON led still
is not illuminated, the input fuse may be blown. Remove the cover by unscrewing the four
cover screws under the base and lift it off. Be careful not to lose the two light pipes for the
leds. With the input and output disconnected, check the fuse with a good ammeter. If the fuse
is good, then the unit is damaged and must be returned for repair. If the fuse is blown, then
contact your dealer to have it replaced.