• In the unlikely case that any parts remain
in the ear canal after the removal of
the hearing aid, contact a physician
immediately. Not doing so could lead to
• Communication devices such as digital
cell phones can create interference (a
buzzing sound) in hearing aids. If you
experience interference from a cell phone
being used close by, you can minimize
this interference in a number of ways.
Switch your hearing aids to another
program, turn your head in a different
direction, or locate the cell phone and
move away from it.
• Hearing aids may fail suddenly without
prior warning (e.g. in case of a defect
or an empty battery), particularly in
situations where you’re required to hear
acoustic warning signals, e.g. in traffic.
• Be aware that some sounds may sound
different when you’re using the hearing
aids. Keep this in mind when you need
to be aware of your surroundings. You
should adjust to this over time.
X-ray, MRI, CT, PET Scanning, Electro-
• Hearing aids must NOT be exposed
to strong electrical fields that may be
generated during X-rays, CT scans, PET
scans or MRIs, during electrotherapy or
during surgeries. Please remove your
hearing aids in these types of situations
to prevent any damage to them.