Medium – Control – Systeme
Franke & Hagenest GmbH
Borngasse 1a * 04600 Altenburg
Telefon : +49 3447 499 313 0
Telefax : +49 3447 499 313 6
E-Mail : [email protected]
Instruction C2H2-Sensor, electro-chemical GMS C2H2 EC
Sensor connection
The sensor is supplied with 10-24 Volt direct current by means of 2-wire technology. The polarity is
unimportant due to the built-in rectifier.
The 4 mA basic current is used for powering the assembly.
Shielded cable JY(St)Y 2x2x0.8mm can be used for supplying the sensors.
The lead colours can be assigned as follows:
White => 4-20mA (terminal 2)
Red => +24V (terminal 3)
When using sensor casings made from metal, the drain wire from the sensor must be connected to the
floor of the metal enclosure.
Sensing technology
The sensor is operated by electro-chemical 2-wire sensors. Their signal is converted to the measuring
current range of 4-20mA.
A measuring range of electro-chemical sensors can be utilised. By using jumpers these are set to the
corresponding sensor signal (see table).
The service lifetime of the electro-chemical sensors differ depending on the type and is stated on the
data sheet.