4.2 Display Modes
For quick access, users can rotate display modes by simply pressing the
Display Mode
Screen Shot
Coastal View
Display all targets on basic coastline map
(Refer to section 4.2.2 Coastal View)
Radar View
Displays all targets on radar view
(Refer to section 4.2.3 Radar View)
AIS Target List
Shows all received ship data
(Refer to section 4.7.2 AIS Targets)
Target List
Shows all dangerous AIS targets presently
(Refer to section 4.7.7 Dangerous List)
Own Ship Detail
Shows all the details of own ship
(Refer to section 4.7.1 Own Ship Detail)
Orolia Ltd.
RNG 39.54NM
BRG +320.53°
GPS Satellite
Shows the GPS satellite current usage
(Refer to section 4.12 GPS Status)
Region Setting
Show all the Region of own ship
(Refer to section 4.7.3 Own Ship Detail)
4.2.1 Target Symbol Descriptions
Symbols for each AIS target displayed on the radar view is as described below:
Own Ship
GPS Reception: Normal / Colour: Black and Grey
Under normal GPS reception, own ship is located in the centre of the radar
Own Ship
GPS Reception: No GPS / Colour: Blue
Without GPS reception, own ship needs to be located manually.
AIS Target
Colour: Black
Ship equipped with AIS system in the surrounding sea will appear on the
radar view as an AIS target.
Selected Target
Colour: Black / Flashing Coloured Frame
Use the arrow keys to select any target on the radar view. After selected,
press <ENT> and the detailed information on each target can be viewed.
Colour: Red / Circled Frame
When distance to a ship is smaller than CPA/TCPA, the target will be
circled in RED. Use the arrow keys to select the dangerous target and to
view its detailed information.
Friend Ship
Colour: Magenta
If any pre-stored Friend Ship is nearby, the Friend Ship will appear in
Magenta on the radar view.