9.9 Net brake adjustment
(See ‘Net tension adjustment’)
The net brake is designed to prevent net run-on and is applied immediately the net knife
trips. If problems exist with net run-on, or if net is being drawn into the chamber while
baling, then it is likely that the brake needs adjusting.
Insert the net-unit handle provided,
into the slot on the spring-loaded belt
tensioner and pull the handle
forwards, until the hook can be
unlatched. Ease the handle back,
allowing the tensioner to re-tension
the belt. Remove the handle and
place it back into its holster on the net
unit. Swing the hook back down into
its original position.
To tension the outer V-belt loosen
the tension pulley wheel, using a
19 mm spanner and slide the tension
pulley towards the tractor.
The machine is now ready to bale at
the new net tension setting.
CAUTION: Take care when removing and fitting belts
Always exercise care when removing and fitting belts onto pulley
wheels. Use extreme caution when dealing with spring-loaded
tensioners and hooks.
NOTE: Frequency of belt replacement
The variable pulley V-belt needs to be replaced every year or after
10,000 bales.
WARNING: Ensure safety before working on brake adjustment
Before attempting to carry out brake adjustment, ensure that the tractor
engine has been switched off, the key removed and the brakes applied.
WARNING: Wear proper safety equipment & follow all instructions
Always wear protective clothing and gloves, beware of sharp edges!
Caution must always be taken when making adjustments in this area as
the netter knife is extremely sharp!