P2007 Jens Broecking © Firma WJG, Braunschweig. Nachdruck oder Vervielfältigung nur mit ausdrücklicher Genehmigung
The Device and its Functions:
The analog display shows if a metal is a
base (ferrous) or a precious (non-ferrous)
Additionally it shows if the batteries still
have enough energy (BATT) while running
a battery-test.
Battery Tester: B1 checks the battery in the single compartment. B2 checks the batteries in the double
compartment. OPERATE: Put the switch to this position while operating the device normally.
Adjustment (PUSH): After every change of the operation mode (MODE) press this button to initialize the device.
Earphone Connector: Plug connector for a 3.5 mm stereo-jack and the volume control.