2012 Mobile Climate Control
T-348 Rev. 07/2012
2.4.1 Control
1. This procedure should be performed by
an HVAC technician who has been
trained on Mobile Climate Control
manufacturer and resetting of the
parameters should not be required. It is
recommended that MCC Service or
Engineering is contacted before any
control configuration is changed. MCC
can not be responsible for failures or
damage resulting from unauthorized
2. If a replacement Logic Module is
installed, it is necessary to match the
Figure 1-10) to the original board. Refer
to paragraph 4.19.
a. Turn the A/C main power switch (located in the
driver's area) to OFF.
b. Connect the Micromate control panel to the ser
vice port (J2) located in the return air section. (re
fer to Figure 1-10)
c. Unplug the logic board connector J3.
d. Turn the A/C main power switch back to the ON
e. Activate the system by pressing the I/O key on the
Micromate panel.
Be sure to reconnect J3 when testing is com
pleted or the system will fail to operate when
the Micromate is disconnected.
When modifying the setpoint temperature
for diagnostic purposes, be sure to reset the
setpoint when testing is complete.
2.4.2 Diagnostic Mode
The diagnostic mode can be entered by pressing the
UP and DOWN arrow keys simultaneously for 3
seconds. The Micromate control panel display
screen will go blank for one second and then enter
the alarm screen. The diagnostic mode allows alarms
and system parameters to be viewed. If there are any
alarms stored, the most recent alarm will be shown.
To exit the diagnostic mode, press the ON/OFF key
once, or do not touch any keys for 30 seconds. To
view additional alarm information, refer to section 3.
2.4.3 System Parameters
To view system parameters, first enter the
Diagnostic Mode. Refer to paragraph 2.4.2. . The
parameters are shown in Table 2-5. While in the
diagnostic mode, press an UP or DOWN arrow key
to switch the display to the Parameter Display. With
the first Parameter displayed, press the DOWN
arrow key to scroll through the list from the first to
the last parameter or press the UP arrow to scroll
from the last to the first parameter. When scrolling
through the parameters, the current parameter will
be displayed for two seconds. After two seconds, the
display will show the data for the current parameter.
When the last parameter is reached, the list will wrap
back to P1.