unique high end audio
mbl 1611 F
8. Booting into Service Mode
turn off main power
press and hold the 4th button on the right button-row
turn on main power
release button
The service mode consists of six entries, four are displayed on the first, two on the second page.
You may switch between the pages by pressing button R1 ( = upmost button on the right button-row).
The entries are then selected by pressing button 1-4 on the left hand side.
To get back into main menu press button R1 (exept in „AD-Test“ and „System Defaults“).
Entries on 1st page:
1. RC5-Test:
Shows the codes received from a RC5 remote control. „T“ is the toggle-bit (it must differ every
time you press a button). „Q“ is the bit-timing (a good value is between 40 and 45).
2. AD-Test:
Tests the internal AD-Converters for the buttons.
3. VFD-Test:
Completely lights up the VFD. You may check for defective pixels easily.
4. System Defaults:
Deletes all settings that were saved previously during use. After pressing the button
wait for 5 seconds and cycle main power.
Entries on 2nd page:
1. Firmware:
Shows the exact Firmware-Version incl. build and time.
2. Serial:
Shows the system’s serial number (not yet implemented) and the model.