MB Connect Line mbSECBOX Quick Start Up Manual Download Page 2

Minimal configuration

In the tab menu all the necessary settings can be made

Step 1:

Check all System settings and adapt them if necessary. 

In particular, network settings, Email settings, Modem settings.

Step 2: 

PLC connection settings  

Enter your PLC access data (IP, slot, rack, MPI / PROFIBUS 


Backup settings 

Specify which Blocktypes are to be saved (default “DB”), and 

the interval in which the blocktypes are to be backed up.

Blockcheck settings

Specify which Blocktypes are to be tested

(Default “OB, FC, FB”)

and the interval at which these Blocktypes are to be tested.

Confirm your entries and changes in each tab by clicking on 

Step 3:


Click Create backup reference on the button.


Depending on the size of the data to back up may take several 

minutes. At the end of the backup, a message will appear.

Step 4:

At last activate the Backup and Blockcheck Cycle 
by clicking on

If all the information and settings are correct, FC3 LED starts 

flashing. Is currently a data backup or data validation performed 

FC3 LED is lit permanently. If FC3 LED is off for over 1 second, 

the cyclic operation is not running. That is, the communication 

with the PLC is interrupted.

Technical Data:

Supported PLC:

S7-300, S7-400 (S7-compatible SPS)

Number of supported 





MPI/PROFIBUS bis 12MBits/s

Reference and backup 



Send email

Only over a WAN interface, NOT via 


Send SMS

Only via modem, NOT over Internet via 


Boot time

Up to 4 minutes, as is fully tested after 

each boot up the memory.

Normally, approx. 1.5 minutes 

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