To avoid risk of electrical shock that can cause death or severe personal injury, disconnect unit from power before
servicing unless tests require power. Discharge capacitors through a 10,000-ohm resistor before handling. Wires
removed during disassembly must be replaced on correct terminals to ensure proper grounding and polarization.
©2005 Maytag Services
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in the length of time that the water valve is energized.
• Turning screw clockwise decreases fill time; turning
screw counterclockwise increases fill time.
• One half turn equals 20 cc or 1.2 seconds. A full turn
equals 40 cc or 2.4 seconds.
Maximum adjustment is one full turn in either direction.
Additional rotation can damage the module.
If water valve adjustment screw falls out, put it back
in and turn it until the holes align as shown below.
When small hole is centered in larger hole, water
fill time is 7.5 seconds (normal).
Water Problems
Water quality can cause ice makers to fail, to flood, or
produce unacceptable cubes. If mineral content or sand
is a problem, the screen in the fill valve can clog and
restrict water flow. A particle of sand can prevent the
valve from seating properly.
Symptoms of clogging include small crescents (or no
ice). Symptoms of a dirty valve include flooding of the
ice container when the water valve does not close.
Mineral contact can also lime up the mold, causing
wicking of water over the mold and poor cube release.
Silicone is applied at the upper edges, around fill cup
and stripper.
Temperature Problems
Temperatures in freezer section that average more than
0 ± 2°F (18 ± 1°C) slow the formation of ice. Therefore,
complaints of inadequate ice production can sometimes
be corrected by setting the freezer thermostat to a colder
temperature. Thermostat cycling temperature in the one-
revolution ice maker is 17° ±3°F (-8° ±1°C). Obviously,
the ice will be well frozen when those temperatures are
achieved. But cycling time is slow if freezer temperature
is not cold enough to achieve those temperatures easily.
Bimetal Thermostat
Follow "Test Procedures" (P. 37) to test operation of the
bimetal thermostat.
NOTE: Replacement thermostats are no longer
available for ice makers. If your thermostat is
faulty, order a new ice maker.