Page 1: ... Z Date ofPurchase HTY Page 1 Inourcontinuing effortto improve thequality andperformance of ourcooking products itmaybe I_r IITIII ATI IID Page 1E necessary to make changes to ME_ L U ILIJPiIILUlt theappliance without revising this guide I EL UUARIO Page 3 Ifyou have questions call 1 888 4MAYTAG 1 888 462 9824 1 800 688 2080 U S TrYfor hearing orspeech impaired Mon Fri 8am 8 pmEastern Time Intemet...
Page 2: ...pliance unlessspecifically potholder recommended inthisguide Refer allother Tocheckifdeviceis properly installed look servicing to aqualified technician Onlycertain typesofglass glass ceramic ceramic earthenware or otherglazec underneath rangewitha flashlight to make NEVERstore orusegasolineorothercom utensils aresuitable forcooktop or over sureoneof therearleveling legsisproperly bustibJe orflamm...
Page 3: ...ven Enforcement Act of 1986 Proposition 65 grease panordisposing ofhotgrease AI maybecomehotenough to causeburns requires the Governor of California to pub lowgreaseto coolbeforeattempting to Duringandafteruse do nottouchor let lisha listof substances knownto theState move pan clothing orotherflammable materials con ofCalifornia tocausecancer orreproductive tactheating elements areas nearelements ...
Page 4: ...ic_ controlknobs Whenoneorbothofthe ing or increase pressure inclosedcon surfacecontrolknobsis turnedon the NEVER allowapanto boildry This tainers causing themto burst lightwill turnon Thelightwillturn off coulddamage thepanandtheappli _ NEVERallowaluminum foil mea whenthe surfaceelement s is turned ance probesor any othermetalobjecl off _ NEVERtouchcooktopuntil it has otherthana panon a surfaceel...
Page 5: ...Lement intoplace Pressdownontheouter HOTSURFACE Makesurethesurfaceandthepanbot edge ofelement untilitsitslevel ondripbowl LIGHTS tomarecleanbefore turningon to pre Eachelement _o_o_oP_ _ t ventscratches DRIP BOWLS hasaHOTSUR _ f Toprevent scratching ordamage tothe Thedripbowlsundereachsurfaceelement FACEindicator light A _ glass ceramic top do not leavesugar catchboilovers andmustalwaysbe used lig...
Page 6: ...ssingafunctionpadandtheAUTOSETSETTII4G UPPER AND LOWER warps orisotherwise damaged pador numberpads thefunction willbe duringcooking immediatelydis canceled andthedisplay willreturn to the OVEH FUN HONS cardthefoodanditscontainer previous display Thefoodcould becontaminated Ic_a CAN CE LPAD Follow themanufacturer s direc OHTflOI OPTIONS Use to cancelall programming exceptthe Lions whenusingovencoo...
Page 7: ...omplete pressCAN to keepfoodwarmor below200 F for beepwillsoundanddisplaywillread CELpad Remove foodfromoven cooking Forfoodsafetyreasons lower TOASTING WAITXMIN temperatures arenotrecommended HIbroilis usedfor mostbroiling Use CONVECT I The backpartof the lowerovenbake LO broilwhenbroiling Jonger cooking BAKEPAD element will NOT glow red during foodstoallowthemtocooktowelldone LowER OVEN ONLY SEL...
Page 8: ...tes less press TOASTING pad enterthedesired time thenpressandholdAUTOSET 1 PressKEEPWARM pad I Tokeepfoodsfromdrying cover padforseveralseconds Thecontrol will 2 PressAUTOSET pad for 170 F or Ioosely withfoilora lid beepandNEWAUTOSETENTERED presstheappropriate numberpadsfor I Towarmdinnerrolls willbedisplayed temperatures between 1450 and1900 F coverrollsloosely withfoiland placeinupperoven NOTE T...
Page 9: enter thetimeyouwant theoventostop number pad5 Thecontrol wiltbegin pads toentercooking timeinhours and minutes 6 DELAY andBAKEwillbedisplayed countdown afterafoursecond delay 2 PresstheupperorlowerovenBAKEor 7 At the endof thedelayperiod COOK 4 Thelastminute ofthecountdown will CONVECT BAKE select models pad TiMEwill be displayed alongwiththe bedisplayed inseconds andselectthebaketemperature C...
Page 10: ...r12hours TEMP C F 7 the changewill be displayed For example iftheeventemperature was TIMERBEEPS 2 Thetemperaturescalemaybe changed reducedby 15 o F the displaywill toCentigrade or Fahrenheit Thedefault show 150 F Thereare threechoicesfor the end of issetforFahrenheit timer reminder signals 5 Whenyouhavemadetheadjustment Onebeepfollowed bytwobeeps every LANGUAGE 8 select models presstheCANCEL padan...
Page 11: ...ncapacity is OVEN RA K _ untilitclears thelock stop position lower available asanaccessory Itfitsin the frontandslidebackintotheoven left upperportion of theovenandpro videsspace foravegetable dishwhena All racksare designedwitha lock stop RACK POSITIONS largeroaster is onthelowerrack Con edge tact your Maytag dealer for the HALFRACK AccessoryKit or call UPPER OVEN 1 800 688 8408 toorder Is equipp...
Page 12: ...ired 5 CLEANING andLOCplusthecleantime I Itis normal forflare ups smoking or SELECTMODELS willappear inthedisplay andbothovens flaming tooccur duringcleaning ifthe When cool wash withsoapywater rinse willlock ovenisheavily soiled Itis betterto andbuffthesurface cleantheovenregularly rather than Forheaviersoil usea mildabrasiv_ 6 When the clean cycle is complete towaituntilthereisaheavybuildupof cl...
Page 13: ...e PartNo 20000001 causticllquid orpowdered cleansers onplas withcommercial ovencleaner Donet Rinse anddry ticfinishes Thesecleaningagentswillscratch spraysurrounding surfaces Placein ormarfinish plasticbagandallowto soakseveral HeavySoilsor MetalMarks Gently hours Wearing rubbergloves remove scrub withCooktop Cleaning Creme and NOTE Toprevent staining ordiscoloration frombag wash rinse anddry a pl...
Page 14: ...num foilwasincorrectly used Never toasting operation iscompleted linethebroiler insert withfoil STEAMCOMESFROMVENTAREA I Checkif coilelementis properly in Ovendoorwasclosedduringbroiling Leave I Whenhighmoisturefoodsarecookedinthe stalledor needsto be replaced See the dooropento the firststopposition upper oven steam maybevisible coming pg 4 about 4inches fromtheventarea Thisis normal Trimexcess f...
Page 15: ...dbakeelements on electric cooking IF YOU HEED SERVICE appliances I Callthe dealerfromwhomyourappliance waspurchased or callMaytag CanadianResidents Appliances SalesCompany MaytagCustomer Assistance at 1 888 462 Theabove warranties onlycoveranappliance 9824 USAto locateanauthorized servicer installed inCanada thathasbeencertified or Be sure to retainproofof purchaseto verify warrantystatus Referto ...