a. Place your elbow on a table or other object (such as our carry case).
b. Use the armrest to position the arm so that the pressure cuff is at the same
height as the heart.
c. Relax your hand with the palm facing up.
8. Description of display marks
Display mark Condition/Cause Corrective action
9. How to measure
A. Inserting batteries in position:
a. Open battery cover.
b. Refer to the picture in positioning batteries. (Figure No.4)
c. All LCD segments appear on the display in 3 seconds.
B. Steps to take blood pressure measurement:
a. Wrap the cuff around the wrist (Refer to Wrapping of Wrist
cuff as (Figure No. 5)
b. Sit upright on the chair to have correct posture. (Refer to
Correct Posture in Taking Blood Pressure as (Figure No. 6)
c. Press START/STOP button. All elements display '888' in 3 seconds.
Afterward, displays the update time. The
measuring blood pressure symbol will flash on the display
and then the air pressure will automatically pump up to
195 mmHg. If blood pressure tends to be on the high level,
the air pressure will automatically increase to the required
level for measurement. *Do not move or talk in the midst
of taking blood pressure measurement.
d. After the air pressure is increased, it will slowly decreased.
When the pulse rate is detected, HEART RATE symbol
will start flashing and simultaneously a beep sound will be
e. After taking blood pressure measurement, the Systolic
rate, Diastolic rate will be lasting flash on the display for
1 minute.
C. Storing, recalling and erasing measurement data:
a. Storing data:
After each blood pressure measurement, the Systolic rate,
diastolic rate, heart pulse will be automatically stored.
The memory holds the latest 48 measurement data.
If more than 48 measurements, the memory will automatically
clear out the earliest data.
b. Recalling data:
(1) Pressing RECALL button at normal time, nothing will
appear on the display if there is no data in the memory.
Mark appears in the
measurement condition
and flashes when pulse is detected.
Appears when the battery
voltage is excessively low
or the positions of batteries
are incorrect.
Appears when the accurate
blood pressure could not
be obtained accurately.
Appears all the time till
the measurement being
Measurements in
progress remain quiet.
Replace all two batteries
by new ones.
Insert the batteries at
correct positions beware
of the +/- directions.
Press "start/stop" button
again and re-measure.
Or check cuff if wrapped
at the wrist or according
to instructions Check
palm if exerting effort.
Check if talking or moving
during measurement.
Check if posture is incorrect.