Maxtor Ultra ATA/133 Installation Manual Download Page 1

Before you Begin

Thank you for selecting the Maxtor Ultra
ATA/133 PCI Adapter Card.

Handling Precautions 

Adapter cards are sensitive to
electrostatic discharge (ESD)
damage. Handle the adapter
card by its sides. Do not touch
the printed circuit board

Do not connect/disconnect any
cables when the system power
is on.

Do not force or rock the
adapter card connectors into or
out of their connection sockets.

System Requirements 

• Pentium II processor or higher

• Available PCI slot

• Windows 98, Me, NT 4.0 SP4, 2000,

or XP

For maximum compatibility, Maxtor
recommends that you visit the
Microsoft Windows Update site at for
the latest Windows updates.


This card is not Macintosh

compatible. Mac-compatible Ultra
ATA/133 cards are available from
companies such as Sonnet
Technologies (

Tools Required for Installation

Small (#2) Phillips Screwdriver

Small Needle-Nose Pliers

Operating System

CD and Boot Diskette

Your System User Manual


Connect Hard Drives

Windows NT/2000/XP Note:

If you

have an existing Windows NT, 2000, or
XP installation, please skip to section 3:
Install Drivers before connecting any
drives to the ATA/133 card.

1. Configure the jumpers of the hard

drive(s) you are preparing to install.
Maxtor recommends setting all
devices connected to the card as
Cable Select. Refer to your hard
drive manual or the drive label for
the correct jumper settings.


Do not set any jumpers that

reduce the capacity of the drive
such as an Alternate Capacity (AC)
or Capacity Limitation (CLJ) jumper.

2. Install the hard drive in an available

drive bay in your system. Refer to
your system user manual for more

3. Connect the hard drive to the IDE1

connector on the ATA/133 card
using the included Ultra ATA cable
(Figure 3).

The blue cable connector should be
plugged into the IDE1 connector on
the card. The remaining connections
depend on how many drives you
are connecting to the card:

a. If you are connecting a single

drive configured as Cable Select
or Master, plug the black cable
connector into the ATA connector
on the drive.

b. If you are connecting two drives

to the same cable, both devices
must be configured as Cable
Select, or one as Master and the
other as Slave. Master devices
must be connected to the black
cable connector; Slave devices
must be connected to the gray.
See Figure 3 (below) or your hard
drive manual for more details.

c. If you are connecting more than

two drives to the ATA/133 card,
you will need to connect a sepa-
rate Ultra ATA cable to the IDE2
connector on the card. This cable
is included with the Maxtor Hard
Drive Mounting Kit, available
from your local Maxtor retailer or

Included in this Kit

Ultra ATA Interface Cable

(necessary for Ultra ATA 66/100/133 devices)

Ultra ATA/133 PCI

Adapter Card

Figure 3

Ultra ATA Interface Cable

Adapter Connector (blue)

Drive 0 - Master (black)

Striped Edge (Pin 1)

Drive 1 - Slave (gray)


Install the Card

Adapter Card Installation

1. Turn off the power to your system

and remove the system cover.

2. Unscrew and remove the inside slot

cover of an available 32-bit PCI slot
on the motherboard.

3. Handle the Ultra ATA/133 PCI Adapter

Card by its sides and install it into
the open slot (Figure 1).

4. If applicable, attach the LED cable

connector on your system case to
the LED connector on the Adapter
Card (Figure 2). If your system LED
connector does not light up, try re-
connecting in the opposite direction.

5. Fasten the adapter card bracket to

the system case.

Figure 1

Installing the Adapter Card into a PCI Slot


Install Drivers 


Option A: Installing Drivers
with a New Windows
98/Millennium OS Installation

1. After installing the Ultra ATA/133 PCI

Adapter Card and connecting the
hard drives, format and partition the
drives using the software included
with the drives.

2. Install Windows 9x/Me using your

Windows installation diskettes or CD.

3. After installation, go to the “Start”

menu and select “Settings.”

4. From the “Settings” menu, select

“Control Panel.”

5. In the “Control Panel” window,

double-click on the “System” icon.

6. In the “System” window, select

“Device Manager.”

7. In the hierarchical display under

“Other Devices” is a listing for “PCI
Mass Storage Controller.” Select it and
then press the “Properties” button.

8. Select the “Driver” tab in the

“Properties” window, choose "Update
Driver..." and then press “Next.”


Install Drivers

The next step is to install the drivers
that will allow your operating system to
recognize the card.


Option A:

Installing Drivers with a

New Windows 98/Me Installation


Option B:

Installing Drivers with an

Existing Windows 98/Me Installation


Option C:

Installing Drivers During a

New Windows NT 4.0/2000/XP


Option D:

Installing Drivers with an

Existing Windows NT 4.0/2000/XP


If, upon booting, your system

doesn’t recognize the adapter card,
change the card to a different PCI slot.
Maxtor recommends using one of the
first 3 slots nearest to the processor.

Figure 2

Adapter Card Connections



32-pin PCI connector






Installation CD 


Ultra ATA/133 Card Installation Guide

Important – Please Read

• Make a backup copy of the files on

any existing hard drive(s) prior to
installing the new adapter card.

• In order to boot from a drive con-

nected to the ATA card, you may
need to change the Boot Order
setting in your system BIOS so that
"SCSI add-on card" or "Add-on IDE
adapter" is first. See your system
user manual for details.

• Uninstall any hard drive overlay

software (Ontrack, EZ-Drive, or older
versions of MaxBlast) on drives you
wish to attach to the Ultra ATA/133
card. This may be done 

after you’ve

installed the adapter card and hard
drive. Refer to the following URL if
the existing hard drive is from
Maxtor or Quantum:



Removing overlay software

from hard drives other than Maxtor
can result in data loss. Please contact
other hard drive manufacturers for
their specific third party overlay
removal procedures.



Western Digital

ATAPI Devices (DVD-ROM, Tape Backup)

If your ATAPI device (CD, DVD, Zip, or
tape) is not UDMA 66, 100 or 133
compliant and is functioning properly,
please leave it on its current ATA
channel. These devices will not bene-
fit from the additional performance
provided by this card.

System Manual     P/N: 20209900/B
