Maxtec B&K Precision 1660 Instruction Manual Download Page 11

B&K 1660

Summary of Contents for B&K Precision 1660

Page 1: ...TripleOutput DC POWER SUPPLY dlt rur ffi i B K 1660 www everything4lessstore com www everything4lessstore com...

Page 2: ...ipment does aot remove the hazard o the plecautions ot Jtep g are observed b If the equipbeDt under test is powered upi arxd that equipEent uses high voltage in ary of its cilcuits the polve supply ou...

Page 3: ...or Jt1 lr s t Ect t MAXSE9 TNTER ATONAL CoPrr Model1660 Triple Output DCPOWER SUPPLY H PEECES J MAGg TNTEFNAIIONALcoFP 6470 w Corlland St ChlcaSo lL6O635 B K 1660 www everything4lessstore com www ever...

Page 4: ...9 S e r i e s T r a c k i n g O p e l a t i o n 1 3 P a r a l l e i T r a c k i n g o p e r a i i o n 1 6 1 6 5 V P o i r e lS u p p l y O p e l a t i o n 1 9 A P P L I C A T I O N S Z O G e n e r a...

Page 5: legulated voltage oDeration at the Dreset value allows tbe supply to be used for large ci cuits Built in ovelload protection auto matically liEits to cutiebt output to a Eaxi loull of 5 aEps An in...

Page 6: ...1660 a good choice fo a engiaeeling lab also Dake it a good choice fo dost other solid state electronic applications These apPli_ cations include selvice shops industrial Pro duction testing of coDrp...

Page 7: ...1amp current capacity through MasteF output terminals CONSTANT VOLTAGE OR CONSTANT CURRENT The Master and slav Lpplias pro d regulated dc voltage output or regulated dc urent output Crossover is sEoo...

Page 8: ...ents 110 1zo 220 z4o vAC 1070 s0 60Ilz Load R gulation CcE3ta t CrErent 0 2Vo 3 mA po er CoDsurnptioD FuIy Loaded Lile Reguration 108 l3z v c start ApproxiEately 320 4t CErent O Z7o 3 E A hotection Re...

Page 9: suPPlies or just the MASTER output can be used as a 0 to 30 volt supply with a 4 A capability 3 F30 V 6 5 V Ssitcb Controls MAS TER 1 6 5 V LED DisPkY wlen this switch is in tbe G30 V position the...

Page 10: ...ER supply Atso functjons a coarse adjustEenr coutlol fo the maxi Eouh output voltage of the SLAVE supply when eithe paraUel o seli s tracunp Eode is selected Read the value on the MASTER 4 6 5 V I ED...

Page 11: ...tput voltage at 22 the value set by the SLAVE VOLTAGE C C C stant Curr rt PARalle r I t cator Red LED lights when SLAVE supply is in the Constant Culreirt mode The Powe Supply legulates the output cur...

Page 12: ...isplay Digitat disptay iddicates voltage or current at the 0 30 V sl AvE supply depending on the settiDg of the A V switch 25 Tetbiaal Red positive potadty output telminal for the SLAVE suppty In seri...

Page 13: turtted on or off INDEPENDENT USE OF I ASTER OR SLAVE SUPPLY The MASTER and SLAVE supplies each plovide a 0 to 30 volt output at up to 2 0 aDps This plocedure covers the use of tbe MASTER ard SLAVE...

Page 14: ...OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS I l rE _ 1 f l a 1 1 t t l t s u I l r f f D D Fig 3 IndependentOperation Grounding Possibilities 1 0 B K 1660 www everything4lessstore com www everything4lessstore com...

Page 15: ...e supply for convenience in identifying polarity red for and black for Make sure that the hook uP leads offer sufficieDt cuilent capability and low e sistance between the power supply and the circuits...

Page 16: lmt value lr0mdsplay 6 Tbe cullent libit oeerload plotectioD has now bee pleset Do not change the CITRRENT codttol settiDg atter this step Rebove the sbolt betweeD the aDd telminals and hook up f...

Page 17: ...i point is reached when the CV indicator goes off and the CC indicator SiEilallv crossove flom the constant curlent to the constant voltage mode auto matically occuls fror a ileclease in load A good e...

Page 18: ...owest CURRENT control setting wiu set the rnaxihum output cu ent 4 Adjust the output voltage to the desiled level using the MASTER VOLTAGE con trols rerel ber that the actuar ourDur voltage is double...

Page 19: ...OPERATINGINSTRUCTIONS e0 0 r t Fig 8 Selies Tlackirg 0 to 60 v Opelation Glou nding Possibilities B K 1660 www everything4lessstore com www everything4lessstore com...

Page 20: ...from the SLAVE LED Dis play because each supply is providing tbe saBe ahount of curlent 3 Because both voltage and cuirent of the SLAVE supply tlack the MASTER supply the r Iaxibum cr EreDt and goltae...

Page 21: ...ING INSTRUCTIONS r 5 O rac t 6 D din i lri J U r r c r I t l 1 I I E B t a i Fig 9 Parallel Tracking Operation Grotmding Possibilities t 7 B K 1660 www everything4lessstore com www everything4lessstor...

Page 22: ...ERATING INSTRUCTIONS l t t n n f n c n tt u J rJ ga 1 10 0 0s 0 3 C E 3 r o Fig 10 clounding Possibilities for 4 6 5 V power Suppty 1 8 B K 1660 www everything4lessstore com www everything4lessstore c...

Page 23: ...wn in Fig 10A b Similarly t le positive polarity can be glounded by connecting a juEper between the red terEinal arld either gteen GND teltninal as shownir1Fig 10B c If an earth glound refelence is no...

Page 24: ...television receive This lequires an iso lated dc powe supply such as the Modei 1660 The equipment being tested Eay co tain its own power supply and operate floE ac powe A dc voltage hay aheady be ples...

Page 25: ...gleate than the powe supply s maxiroun load current set the CURRENT coDtlol to EaxiEuxo The CC in dicator will light and the battely will charge at the preset curlent lirbit As the battely apploaches...

Page 26: ...he power supply and the eqriipment to be powered during hook up 5 Connect the positive polarity inputs of the circuit to be powered to the positive ed terrninal of the supply Connect the cor 6orl nega...

Page 27: be powered to the negative black terminals of the supplies Connect the coErnon positive input of the circuit to be powered tc eittre supplies positive red or gtound gree termina I If desired set t...

Page 28: ...each supply usiDg the VOLTAGE coatlols Set tbe daximuE curlent using tbe COR R ENT coutrols Tuln off the powet supply and the equipEent to be powe ed duting hook up Couect the positive polarity input...

Page 29: ...with a fuse of the colrect lating Fo 110 or 120 V operation a 5 A 250 V 3AG fuse should be rrsedard for 220 or 240 v operation a 2 5 A 250 V 3AG fuse should be used The fuse is located on the rear pa...

Page 30: TRACIONG mode switches both switches out so that the pow r supply is in rh INDEPFnd nt op erating rDode Set ihe MASTER VOLTAGE controls both COARSE and FINE to minimum L r 4 1 L i c l A djust trimm...

Page 31: ...n lllaster CircllBoadAsViewed Frum teflSide olSupply I I I I Fig l8A Location Of Adiustments MaiD Ci cuit Boards Main slavP craur Boad s vie edFrcnBighl srde olsupply z7 B K 1660 www everything4lessst...

Page 32: ...lts Set the ITASTER A V switch to ttle A position Connect a 1 0 load lated at 30 W or more across the output terminals of the F6 5 V SUPPLY and connect tle llutti Beter to lead the output curlent Adju...

Page 33: ...idrange and set both th COARSE and FINE MASTER VOLTAGE controls to minimua fully counte clockwise 3 Connect the multiEleter to the MASTER SUPPLY outputs and measuie the vol tage 4 Discolnect the multi...

Page 34: ...supplv outprrt termr r2 F r diuqt re l r r q tl t tle MASTER LED Display shoes an output current oI exactlv 5 35 A 13 Adjust VR403 couterclockwise ultil the output voltage read frorn the drulti meterl...

Page 35: ...ame arld addFess Deliver to or ship PREPAID UPS plefelled in U S A to the nearest B K Prccision authorized service agency see list en closed with unit If you list of autholized B K hecirioD selvice ag...

Page 36: ...ol tDautholized altetations or lepairs It is void if the 6eria l ttrrtrb t i3 alte ed defaced or removed MA E shall Dot be liabte fo any consequential damages including with out lixoitatior daloages r...

Page 37: ...NOTES 33 B K 1660 www everything4lessstore com www everything4lessstore com...

Page 38: ...NOlES 34 B K 1660 www everything4lessstore com www everything4lessstore com...

Page 39: Some equiphent with a two wire ac power cord includidg soroe v ith polarized power plugs is the hot chassis t1pe This includes host recett television leceivers and audio equipErent A plastic o wo...

Page 40: ...F DE J MA SE9 INTEBIUATIOIIIAL ooFP 6470 w Co tb d SL Ct raSs tL60695 4ao 5a5 9 0010 O1988 MAXTEC tNTEFNAT oNAL coRp Pf nl d in Taiwan ROC B K 1660 www everything4lessstore com www everything4lessstor...

Page 41: ...B K 1660 www everything4lessstore com www everything4lessstore com...

Page 42: ...B K 1660 www everything4lessstore com www everything4lessstore com...

Page 43: ...B K 1660 www everything4lessstore com www everything4lessstore com...

Page 44: ...B K 1660 www everything4lessstore com www everything4lessstore com...

Page 45: ...B K 1660 www everything4lessstore com www everything4lessstore com...

Page 46: ...B K 1660 www everything4lessstore com www everything4lessstore com...

Page 47: ...B K 1660 www everything4lessstore com www everything4lessstore com...

Page 48: ...B K 1660 www everything4lessstore com www everything4lessstore com...
