About this Document
EPOS4 Communication Guide
CCMC | 2019-11 | rel8759
Target Audience
The present document is intended for trained and skilled personnel. It conveys information on how to under-
stand and fulfill the respective work and duties.
The present document is a reference book. It does require particular knowledge and expertise specific to
the equipment described.
How to use
Take note of the following notations and codes which will be used throughout the document.
Table 1-1
Notations used in this document
Trademarks and Brand Names
For easier legibility, registered brand names are listed below and will not be further tagged with their respec-
tive trademark. It must be understood that the brands (the below list is not necessarily concluding) are pro-
tected by copyright and/or other intellectual property rights even if their legal trademarks are omitted in the
later course of this document.
Table 1-2
Brand names and trademark owners
stands for “EPOS4 Positioning Controller”
indicates a title or a name (such as of document, product, mode, etc.)
refers to an item (such as part numbers, list items, etc.)
denotes “see”, “see also”, “take note of” or “go to”
Brand Name
Trademark Owner
Adobe® Reader®
© Adobe Systems Incorporated, USA-San Jose, CA
© CiA CAN in Automation e.V, DE-Nuremberg
© EtherCAT Technology Group, DE-Nuremberg, licensed by Beckhoff Automation
GmbH, DE-Verl