Quick Start
The MAX2741 EV kit is fully assembled and factory test-
ed. Follow the instructions in the
Connections and
section for proper device evaluation.
Test Equipment Required
This section lists the recommended test equipment to
verify operation of the MAX2741. It is intended as a
guide only, and some substitutions are possible.
An RF signal generator capable of delivering RF
power as low as -120dBm and as high as 0dBm at
the 1575.42MHz operating frequency such as HP
E4433B, or equivalent
An RF spectrum analyzer that covers the MAX2741
operating frequency range, as well as a few har-
monics such as FSEB20, or equivalent
One DC supply capable of up to 100mA at 2.6V
to 3.3V
Power meter capable of measuring up to 0dBm
One ammeter to measure the supply current
A PC with Windows
Connections and Setup
This section provides a step-by-step guide to operating
the EV kit and testing the device’s functions. This exam-
ple assumes that you intend to test the tuner as one
receiver. (See the
Measurement Configuration
in the
Detailed Description
section.) Ensure that the shunts
are across jumpers J3–J9. Connect pin 1 to pin 2 of
Do not turn on the DC power or RF signal gen-
erators until all connections are made:
1) Connect a DC supply set to +2.75V to the VDC and
GND terminals on the EV kit. Do not turn on the supply.
2) Connect the RF signal generator to the RFIN SMA
connector; do not turn on the generator’s output.
Set the output of the RF signal generator to
1575.42MHz and power level to -90dBm.
3) Connect the EV kit to a PC through a parallel cable.
4) Download the MAX2741 software from the Maxim
website at www.maxim-ic.com. Install and run the
software on an IBM-compatible PC.
5) Connect the spectrum analyzer to the 2nd IFOUT
SMA connector. Set the center frequency to
3.78MHz and the span to 1MHz.
6) Turn on the DC power supply. The supply current
should read approximately 31mA.
7) Enable the RF generator’s output. Use the software
to set the registers and send to the part. Click on
the Test Mode button, then choose Lowpass Filter
and ADC, click Next, and choose Observe IF Signal
at Output of LPF; then click Finish.
8) The spectrum analyzer should display a tone at
3.78MHz at approximately -8dBm.
Layout Issues
A good PC board layout is an essential part of RF cir-
cuit design. The EV kit PC board can serve as a guide
for laying out a board using the MAX2741. Keep traces
carrying RF signals as short as possible to minimize
radiation and insertion loss. Use impedance control on
all RF signal traces. Bypass the VCC node of the PC
board with capacitors to the closest ground.
Evaluates: MAX2741
MAX2741 Evaluation Kit
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