MAXREFDES36# IO-Link 16-Channel Digital Input Hub Quick Start Guide
4. Procedure
1. Connect the A-to-B Type USB cable from the PC and yellow IO-Link cable to
the Balluff USB IO-Link master (silver box with part number BNI USB-901-000-
A501) as shown in
Figure 1
2. Connect the MAXREFDES36# proximity sensor board to the other side of the
yellow IO-Link cable. Make sure the green LED is lit as shown in
Figure 2
. The
red and yellow LEDs do not need to be lit.
3. Download the latest “all design files”
file at
All files available for download are
available at the bottom of the page.
4. Extract the
file to a directory on your PC. The location is
arbitrary but the maximum path length limitation in Windows (260 characters)
should not be exceeded.
5. Install the Balluff IO-Link Device Tool. This tool comes with the purchase of the
Balluff USB IO-Link master (silver box with part number BNI USB-901-000-
A501). Run the
file using the
Run as administrator