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Neptune V2
1. Items you must supply to complete this Neptune V2:
5- and 30-minute epoxy glue, thin and thick Cyanoacrylate (CA) adhesives, and a few common hand tools (such as
long-nosed and diagonal or side-cutter pliers, etc.).
40 to 60 2C or 60 to 90 4C glow engine, or equivalent powered motor system.
11x7 propeller (or as-recommended for your engine) and optional spinner.
Minimum of five(5) SG5010 or equivalent standard-sized servos, one(1) 18-inch extension, one(1) 6-inch
Y-connector, and a 4-channel radio control system.
2. Items included with this Neptune V2:
Precovered fuselage, wing panels, vertical and horizontal stabilizers,
rudder and elevator.
Engine pod’s cowl, bottom piece (to hold the supplied fuel tank and
your throttle servo), and its magnetic hatch/pod cover.
Precut hinge openings and all related CA hinges.
Aileron, rudder and elevator pushrods and related linkages.
Wing joiners, all required control horns, and all related hardware
(except those items normally supplied with servos, a glow engine or
an electric motor).
Fuel tank, complete with tubing, clunk and fuel lines, plus this
detailed, illustrated instruction manual.
Mount the elevator and rudder servos in the preinstalled fuselage-mounted servo tray. Use CA adhesive to harden the servo tray’s
wood where the screws will be inserted, and install the servos.
(NOTE: You may need to adjust the servo tray’s openings to fit your
servos by adding wooden spacers or by routing-out the servo tray
openings. Some flying-boat fans report they like to further
reinforce their airplanes against long-term vibration and hard
landings by applying 30-minute epoxy to all accessible points of
contact between the fuselage formers and the fuselage’s sides; if
you choose this option, now is a good time to add this epoxy.)
Using the supplied clevises and threaded rods, attach the servos’ arms to their rudder and elevator pushrods. Prevent the pushrod
ends from flexing by securing a half-height former near the front-end of each pushrod with 5-minute epoxy.
Test-fit both ailerons, their CA hinges, and the rear-projecting ends of the metal aileron control rods.
Apply a small dab of 5-minute epoxy to the rear-projecting end of one of the metal aileron control rods and insert the control rod
into the predrilled hole in its aileron.
Before the epoxy has time to thicken, insert the CA
hinges into their precut openings in the aileron and at
the trailing edge of the wing panel. (Be careful to make
sure the inner end of the aileron does not bind against the
cutout in its mating wing panel and also be careful to
leave enough clearance between the trailing edge of the
wing panel and its aileron so full UP and DOWN aileron
travel is not restricted.) Apply a few drops of thin CA to
permanently secure each aileron hinge into its wing panel and into its aileron.
Now, as the 5-minute epoxy cures, hold the aileron control rod and aileron so the free end of each aileron control rod (the end
nearest the center of the wing) is at-or-near a 90-degree angle to its aileron.
Attach the remaining aileron to the other wing panel by repeating steps 4, 5 and 6, above – and hold this second aileron while its
5-minute epoxy cures so its aileron control rod’s free end has the same at-or-near 90-degree angle as the first aileron.