Apply to All MaxFoot Models
Your First Ride:
When you buckle on your helmet and go for your first ride, be sure to pick an area away from cars, other cyclists, obstacles
or other hazards in order to become familiar with the controls, features and performance of your new MaxFoot bike.
Additional Passengers:
Most MaxFoot models are designed for one rider only. DO NOT carry any additional passengers on the front or rear of the
Weight Capacity:
MaxFoot Electric Bikes are designed with a maximum weight capacity of 300 pounds (136 kg) for Tricycles and most models.
When bikes are equipped with fat tires, the weight capacity increases to 350 pounds (158 kg). Exceeding the maximum
weight capacity can result in damage of the bike which can lead to serious injury.
We don't recommend to use MaxFoot E-Bikes in the rain. The Battery, Motor or Controller can get damaged. Also avoid to
clean the E-Bike with high-pressure cleaner or running water.
The bike has to be turned on when standstill, otherwise it may cause shortcircuit.