Ringtone volume: set the volume of the Ring.
Message: set message Tone.
Message Volume: Set the volume of message
Keypad: Click or Tone.
Keytone volume: set the volume of keypads.
Power on: Set tone for power on.
Power off: Set tone for power off.
System alert: On/Off.
After individualized settings, choose “Activate” in
“Select” to start profiles.
Note: After the headset is inserted into the m obile
phone, the m obile phone will automatica lly change
into headset profile. Unplug the headset to return to
the previous profile.
In standby state, you can press # key to switch to
silence profile and again to the previous profile.
Network Settings
Network Selection: You can search the network
again. Select your favorite network and choose to
register the network automatically or manually.
GPRS connection: You can set a conne ction way
you want.
GPRS transfer pref.: You can set the preferred