Maverick Boat Group
3207 Industrial 29th St. • Fort Pierce, Florida 34946
Props & Trim Tabs
Prop selection on your Redfisher is determined by your local
Hewes dealer but based on recommendations made by Maverick
Boat Group and Yamaha Marine to give your boat the maximum
overall performance. Different prop designs may improve
performance or can be tailored to enhance specifics of boat and
motor performance.
For instance, a prop with a smaller pitch will increase speed out
of the hole (jumping onto plane) but will produce a decreased
overall speed compared to a prop with a larger pitch. Four
bladed props may increase overall speed or allow the boat to run
shallower, and some props can decrease cavitation at high speeds. Your individual prop
needs will determine the prop design and size that best fits your performance
Always inspect the engine and prop prior to launching your boat. Key prop issues
include tangled fishing line or other types of debris, cracked blades or fluid leaking out
of the seal. Look for fishing line tangled around the prop or lower unit seal while the
engine is off.
Consult your Yamaha Owner’s Manu
al to address these issues.
Trim Tabs
Bennett trim tabs are standard on the Hewes
Redfisher. Because the tabs are electric, there is
no hydraulic trim tab pump, thus eliminating the
possibility for fluid leaks as with other trim tab
Trim tabs allow the boat operator to get the
maximum performance from the boat and are
also great for balancing weight in the boat and
for lifting or lowering the hull to accommodate
for different running situations.
Engine Prop
Trim Tab