Rev. B
NOTE: Maule Service Bulletin No. 9 covers corrosion resistant parts replacement and is particularly
recommended for airplanes operating in a potentially corrosive environment. Compliance to this Ser-
vice Bulletin provides for larger stainless steel turnbuckles and corrosion resistant steel fasteners and
attachment details for the elevator cables.
CAUTION: Special attention should be given to the horizontal stabilizer lower strut attach stub tubes
which are welded to the lower longerons. The seal on the inside of the strut attach stub tubes can de-
teriorate with age which could cause corrosion on the interior of the attach stub tubes, especially on
floatplane models. It is recommended that the stabilizer struts be removed to inspect attach stub
tubes at each Annual. If there is visible external corrosion around the attach stub tubes, or the inter-
nal seal appears loose or cracked, remove the seal, clean the inside of the tube and visually inspect
the inside for corrosion.
(Note: earlier model Maule airplanes used a hard seal filler material, which
may crack or lose adhesion with the tube. Later Models used silicone rubber as a seal, which is more
compliant and durable.)
If corrosion is found, repair in accordance with AC 43.13-1B. After repair, or
if no corrosion is found, fill entire tube with silicone rubber to seal tube from moisture. Inspect the
struts for dents, corrosion, or punctures and replace if necessary. Reinstall struts with new hardware
and document in aircraft records.
NOTE: Double struts, available through Maule, are recommended for floatplanes and banner and
glider towing planes.
14. Lubricate all chains and points of rotation on sprockets, pulleys and bellcranks.
15. Inspect and lubricate all control surface hinges and control horn connections.
16. Lubricate door hinges and latches and seat tracks.
CAUTION: Carefully inspect all door hinge bolts and nuts for condition and security.
If using elastic
nuts on door hinges, they must be replaced with castle nuts and cotter pins. Refer to Maule Service
Letter No. 61.
17. Lubricate rudder pedals and rudder bar points of rotation.
18. Check control rigging and cable tensions.
19. Check and clean vacuum system regulator valve filter and intake filter.
20. Check the pitot static system for leaks.
21. Inspect the following components of the ME406/406HM ELT:
(ELT unit and mount) for proper installation and insecure mounting.
Wiring and conduits – for improper routing, insecure mounting, and obvi-
ous defects.
Bonding and shielding – for improper installation and poor condition.
Antenna, including trailing antenna – for poor condition, insecure mount-
ing, and improper operation.
Verify the battery expiration date. See below for more information con-
cerning ELT Battery.
22. Ensure that the Airplane Flight Manual is at the current revision level by going
online at mauleairinc.com and checking “downloads” on the home page.