4-6 Output current limit (LCc)
Variable from 0 to approx 110% with Output current limiter in front panel.
Set the following procedure.
Turn off the power, wait one minute, open the load, and short the output te and -.
Wire for short circuit referring to "3-2 Connection of to the load", prepare the wire of sufficient
thickness to flow 110% of rated output current.
Turn off the bias switch, set the bias setting dial to “5.0”, turn off the output switch, and set to the CV
Input the power, turn on the output switch, and turn the bias setting dial clockwise little by little until
the current limiter is activated.
(Factory: about 110% of the rated output current)
Set to the desired value by turning the limiter.
*Cautions for use of LMs option.
To make the function move right, when using by Master Slave, Please be sure to use after OCP
volume of slave set to counterclockwise maximum.
4 Optional Features