PC-Cillin Anti-Virus Utility
Anti-virus software is provided for DOS, for WIN95, and WIN 98. Log on
to the appropriate directory for your operating system. For DOS, copy all
the files in the DOS folder to your hard disk drive. For Windows 95, log
on to the Disk 1 folder and run SETUP. For Windows 98, run SETUP.
CMI8X38 Folder Installation Notes
Audio Software
This folder has software and drivers for the sound system that is
integrated on this mainboard. Drivers are provided for Windows 95/98,
Windows NT, and DOS. An MS-WORD format manual is stored in the
MANUAL folder.
DOS Installation
Log on to the DOSDRV folder and run the program INSTALL.EXE
Windows 95/98 Installation
Please specify the path to the CD-ROM\CMI8X38\AUDIO\W95-98\DRV
when your system detects the installed audio system. To install the audio
applications, log on to the W95-98 folder, and then log on to the APPS
folder. Run the SETUP program.
Windows NT 4.0 Installation
1. Press
"Start" button.
2. Move the highlight to "Settings" and select "Control Panel".
3. Double click on the "Multimedia" icon.
4. Select
"Devices" tab.
5. Press
"Add..." button.
6. Select
"Unlisted or Updated Driver" in the "List of Drivers" list
7. Specify the path to the PCI audio NT drivers.
8. Select
"C-Media CM8738 PCI Device" and press the "OK" button.
9. Choose proper I/O or the "OK" button for the default setting.
10. Restart the Windows NT system.
To install the audio applications, log on to the NT4 folder, and then log
on to the APPS folder. Run the SETUP program.