Matrox GXM – User Guide (Mac version)
For the latest information on your Matrox DualHead2Go or TripleHead2Go product,
see the Matrox Web site (
While using certain graphics hardware and software, certain limitations may apply. To
view a list of compatible systems and supported resolutions, use the
GXM System
Compatibility Wizard
The resolutions and refresh rates available depend on your monitor and software
monitor settings. For more information on the capabilities of your monitor, see your
monitor documentation.
DualHead2Go Digital ME and TripleHead2Go Digital SE
– In
clone mode
, your Matrox
product supports a maximum display resolution of 1920 × 1200.
While an unsupported display mode is selected, your displays may be unavailable.
Temperature, operational
5 to 45 ºC (41 to 113 ºF)
(near box ambient)
Temperature, non-operational
storage and transportation
-40 to 70 ºC (-40 to 158 ºF)
Humidity, operational (indoor)
20 to 80% (non-condensing)
Humidity, non-operational storage
and transportation
5 to 95% (non-condensing)
Atmospheric pressure, operational
650hPa (3,580 meters / 11,745 feet)
to 1013hPa (0 meters / 0 feet)
Atmospheric pressure,
non-operational and transportation
192hPa (12,000 meters / 39,370 feet)
to 1020hPa (-50 meters / -164 feet)