EXT TRIG IN input terminal...............(24)
Inp ut te rmin al is used for exte rnal t rigg ering sign al.To use this term inal,set S OURCE switch(2 3)to the E XT position.
SOURCE.................... (23)
Se lect t he in tern al triggering s ourc e sig nal,a nd t he EXT T RIG IN input signa l.
CH l:When the VERT MODE s witc h (14 )is s et in the DUAL or ADD state,se lect CHl for th e int erna l trig gerin g so urce
sign al.
CH2:W hen the V ERT MO DE s witc h (1 4)is set in the DUAL or ADD sta te,se lect CH2 for th e in terna trig gerin g so urce
Sign al.
LI NE:To se lect the AC po werline frequ ency sign al as the trigg erin g sig nal.
EXT:T he e xtern al si gnal applied throu gh E X T T RIG IN i nput term inal( 24)i s used for the exter nal t rigg ering sou rce s igna l.
SLOPE ...................(26)
se lect the tr igge ring slop e.
"+": Trig gerin g oc curs whe n the trig gerin g sig nal cross es th e
l evel in po sitiv e-go ing direction .
tri gger ing
"-": Trig gering o ccurs whe n th e
s ignal cros ses t he
l in n egat ive- goin g direction.
trig geri ng
trigge ring leve
Wh en t he V ERT MODE s witch (14 )is set in the DUAL or A DD state ,and the SOURCE swi tch(2 3)is sele cted at C
l o r
CH2,w ith the engage men t of the T RIG ALT switch( 27),it willalte rnate ly se lect CH1 &CH 2 fo r the inte rnal trigg erin g
sou rce signal.
To disp lay a syn chron ized stat iona ry wavefo rm a nd s et a s tart poin t for the waveform.
To ward :
s " ":Th e trig geti ng le vel move s up ward on the di splay wav efor m.
To wards:"-":The trig getin g level m ove s dow nwa rd o n the disp lay w ave form .
click ( 28) by fu 11y clockwis e pos itien , the n triggrin g lev el is auto matically ma intained a t opt imum va lue ir resp ectiv e
Of th e sig nal a mplitude , requirin g no man ual a djustmen t of triggering leve l.
TRIGGER MO DE.............. .........(25 )
S elect the desired tr igge r mo de.
AUTO :W hen n o tri gger ing s igna l is a pplie d or whe n triggeri ng signal freq uenc y is l ess t han 25Hz ,swe ep r uns i n
the free run mod e.
NORM :W hen no tr igge ring signa l is applied, sweep is in a re ady state and the trace is blanked out. Use d pr imar ily
fo r obs erva tion of signal that f requ ency is le ss th an 2 5Hz.
T V-V :This setting is used when o bser ving the e ntire ver tial p ictu re of televisio n sig nal.
T V-H:This setting is use d wh en o bserving the e ntire hori zont al pi cture ofte levision sign al.
(Both TV-V a nd T V-H sync hron ize o nly when the sync hron izing signal is neg ative .)
V .........................( 30)
S weep time ran ges are availa ble i n 20steps from 0.2 us/d iv to 0.5 s/div.
X-Y:T his posit ion is use d wh en u sing the i nstru men t as a n X-Y os cillo scop e.
S WP. VAR ...................... .........(32)
Vernier con trol of sweep time . Th is co ntro l works as CAL and the sweep time is calibrate d to the v alue indi cated by
TI ME/ div o f sw eep c an b e varied c ontinuou sly when Shaf t is o ut of CA L pos ition. Th en th e co ntrol is ro tated in the
d irection of arrow to the full , the CAL stat e is p rodu ced and t he sweep time is c alibrated to th e val ue in dica ted b y TIME/DIV.
Count erclockwise rotat ion t o the full dela ys th e sweep b y 2.5time or more .
'POSITION... ....... ............. ...(3 5)
Horiz onta l pos ition ing c ontr ol of the tace or sp ot.
X10 MAG..... ............. ....... ....... ..(33 )
When the butto n is pushed in , a m agni ficat ion o f l0 occu rs.
Time Base