MSC-XV1664 Product Manual
Mascot version 2.1 (Carina Series Firmware 5.3.0)
– for paired I/O 3D support,
– for defining remote panel I/O regions
– to set remote panel refresh rate,
– for disabling SDI reclockers and
– for synchronizing two video router systems for 3D use.
Added E12 “Unsupported command” error which is returned when a command is not supported by the
current system or settings.
Added support for Line Feed character as a command terminator (to be compatible with older firmware).
Carriage Return should normally be used.
Added “lock” (0x02) and “reclk” (0x04) to
“flags” field.
3.2 Telnet Access
A telnet client can be used to access the command interface on TCP/IP port 40. Many operating systems come
with a Telnet client or one can be easily obtained. To control a device using Telnet the IP address and TCP/IP
port number will need to be supplied. This is typically added as arguments when executing the “telnet”
command via your operating system's command prompt or run dialog. Here is an example command to connect
to a device on the IP address (press ENTER after the command):
telnet 40
Pressing the ENTER key after successfully connecting should display the command “>” prompt character.
3.3 Serial Access
Matrix Switch router systems come equipped with a serial port which can be used as another means of sending
Mascot commands. Connect a Computer system to the device using a 9 pin RS-232 serial cable. Using this
interface requires a serial terminal program, such as HyperTerminal on Windows. Configure the terminal
software for 115200 bps 8N1. In addition Local Echo should be on in order to see what is typed. Pressing the
Enter key once connected should yield the “>” prompt character.
3.4 Command Format
Commands consist of a command name, zero or more arguments separated by commas and a carriage return
(CR, ASCII 13 - the Enter key on a keyboard). Optionally multiple commands can be combined by separating
them with a '#' character and the command chain is terminated with a CR character. Spaces are not required
between arguments, but can be optionally supplied for readability. A space is also not required between
command names and their first argument, if the argument is numeric. Table 3 lists characters which have
special meaning in MASCOT commands.
Multiple command separator, for chaining commands.
Carriage Return (ASCII 13), indicates the end of a command or chain of commands, Enter key.
Backspace character (ASCII 11), can be used to backspace characters in interactive command shells.
Used for double quoting string arguments.
Used for single quoting string arguments.
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