MSC-XDM4000 Product Manual
Query all assigned panel button/GPIO conditions.
PanelCond Button
Query a single panel button/GPIO condition.
PanelCond Button Condition
Assign a panel button/GPIO condition. Assigning a blank condition to a
button or GPIO pin will clear the condition (two consecutive single or double
quotes represents an empty string).
1 P0
2 P1
67 P0
>PanelCond 1
1 P0
PanelCond 68,”P1”
PanelCond 68,””
The first example above queries the currently assigned panel/GPIO conditions, which shows that button number
1 and 2 have P0 and P1 conditions assigned respectively, which lights the button LEDs when the current matrix
routing matches preset 0 or preset 1 respectively, and GPIO pin 3 (GPIO pins start at 65) will output a logic 1 if
the matrix matches preset 0. The second command queries the panel condition for button 1. The third
command assigns the condition “P1” to GPIO pin 4 (ID 68). The fourth command clears the condition assigned
to GPIO pin 4.
3.10.26 PanelDis Command
Protocol Version: 2.4
Query or assign internal button interface panel disable setting. This setting is stored and recalled on power up.
Query internal panel disable setting.
PanelDis 0 | 1
Assign internal panel disable setting (0: enable, 1: disable)
>PanelDis 1
The first command queries the current panel disable setting (0: enabled). The second command disables the
internal panel interface.
3.10.27 PanelExtEn Command
Carina series only - Protocol Version: 2.4
Query or assign external button interface panel enable setting (if applicable – not all router devices have an
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