MSC-XD88S Product Manual
destination/source. This option is stored and recalled on power on. When enabling this feature on a 4x4 video
router for example, it would appear as a 2x2 3D router where destination 1 & 2 are paired and 3 & 4 are paired,
likewise for sources. This setting is stored and recalled on power up.
Query current value of I/O pairing configuration.
PairIO 0 | 1
Enable or disable I/O pairing (0: disable, 1: enable)
>PairIO 1
The first command queries the current state of I/O pairing, the second enables it.
3.11.23 PanelCmd Command
Protocol Version: 3.0
Query and assign panel button/GPIO command macros. This system provides a means to easily implement
custom functionality in response to a panel button press or GPIO auxiliary port contact closure (button or switch
to ground). Panel buttons and GPIO pins are specified by numeric ID.
Panel buttons are numbered beginning with ID number 1. Panel button order depends on the panel, but
generally has the top left button as button 1, followed by number 2 in the lower left corner, number 3 in the top
second column, continuing to alternate between top and bottom rows till the last button (lower right hand
GPIO auxiliary pins start with ID number 65 for GPIO pin 1.
Panel commands must be enabled with the
to activate them.
Query all assigned panel button/GPIO commands.
PanelCmd Button
Query a single panel button/GPIO command.
PanelCmd Button Command
Assign a panel button/GPIO command. Assigning a blank command to a
button or GPIO pin will clear the command (two consecutive single or double
quotes represents an empty string).
1 P0
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