MSC-V1664 Product Manual
Special source values
'-' indicates “No Change”, which causes no changes to the given Destination/Level.
0 indicates “Mute”
Display all presets.
Display a single PRESET.
Example on a 16x4 system with 2 levels
>PView 1
1:1,1 2:2,2 3:6,7 4:0,-
The above example shows that Preset 1 would cause Destination 1 to be connected to Source 1 for both levels,
Destination 2 to be connected to Source 2 for both levels, Destination 3 to be connected to Source 6 for Level 1
and Source 7 for Level 2 (break away) and Destination 4 to be Muted for Level 1 and “No Change” would be
made for Level 2.
3.11.35 Reboot Command
Instructs the system to reboot, which is done after a brief delay. Ensures that all outstanding data writes are
written to non-volatile memory, prior to the reboot.
3.11.36 ReclkDis Command
Routers only - Protocol Version: 2.1
Command for disabling or enabling SDI reclockers. Not all router systems support this option. Value is saved
and recalled on power up.
Query current value of reclocker disable.
ReclkDis 0 | 1
Enable or disable reclockers (0 or 1 respectively).
>ReclkDis 1
The first command above queries the current reclocker disable value which returns 0 (the default, reclockers
enabled). The second command disables the reclockers.
3.11.37 RemoteSync Command
Routers only - Protocol Version: 2.1
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