MSC-2HD3232S Product Manual
sources and supports mute and lock status query (1 + 2 = 3). The second level has 4 destinations, 8 sources and
does not support mute, lock status query or reclocker disable.
If an argument is specified (0-7), then a more descriptive JSON structure is returned, of the following form
(newlines and spaces added as a visual aid, but are not necessarily part of the response):
“version” : 1,
“status” : “STATUS”,
“levels” :
“name” : “NAME”,
“type” : “TYPE”,
“destCount” : DEST_COUNT,
“srcCount” : SRC_COUNT,
“flags” : “FLAGS”,
“destNames” : [ “NAME”, ”NAME”, ... ],
“srcNames” : [ “NAME”, ”NAME”, ... ],
“state” : [ SRC, SRC, ... ],
“psetData” : [ [ SRC, ... ], [ SRC, ... ], ... ]
“psetNames” : [ “NAME”, ”NAME”, ... ]
Table of information on values in capital letters above:
Matrix status: OK, UPDATING, DISCONNECT or ERROR. Returned if the matrix is
OK, updating (from a remote router for example), one or more remote routers
disconnected or a general error (remote router in error status for example) respectively.
Descriptive name of a level, destination, source or preset (8 chars or less).
Level type: VIDEO, AUDIO, HD, VGA, 3G, ANALOG or AES. Used for general video,
general audio, HD video, VGA video, 3G HD video, analog audio or AES digital audio
Count of destinations for the level.
Count of sources for the level.
A space separated list of flag keywords indicating support for various features, as defined
by the Name column in the Flags table above.
Source values for matrix state and preset data. Values start from 1, 0 represents mute and
-1 represents “No Change” (for preset data only).
- Newlines and spaces added to response as a visual aid.
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