MSC-2HD3208L Product Manual
Example querying and assigning I/O grouping
>MtxGroup 2,4
The first example MtxGroup command shows that I/O grouping is disabled on both levels of a 2 level system.
The second command configures the system for dual I/O grouping on level 1 and quad I/O grouping on level 2.
On an example 16x16 two level router this would result in an 8x8 matrix on level 1 and a 4x4 matrix on level 2.
3.25 NetMask Command
Query or assign the system network mask value. This value is related to the IP address of the system and is
used for IP communications over the Ethernet network. This setting is saved and recalled on power up.
The system netmask should only be changed if one has an understanding of TCP/IP network
configuration. Maintaining the ability to access a device's web page and for Remote Panel devices to be able to
communicate with Routers requires that the IP address is known, valid and systems are configured to be on the
same IP network. In the event that the IP address or Netmask of a system is unknown, consult the
section for this device.
Query network mask value.
NetMask NETMASK Set network mask value.
Example querying and assigning netmask
3.26 P Command
Routers and MSC-GCP2U32 only
Recalls a preset. Each Router system contains 10 presets numbered 0 through 9 which can store the entire
matrix routing state or one or more single destination connections. Preset 0 is recalled on system power up.
Recall a preset.
Example to recall preset 1
>P 1
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