MSC-2HD2416S Product Manual
5 Troubleshooting
This section contains information on frequent issues and ways to troubleshoot them.
5.1 Unknown IP address
In the event that the IP address of a device is unknown, the following procedure can be used to retrieve it:
A computer with an RS-232 serial port is required. If you don't have access to a computer with an RS-232
serial port, a USB to RS-232 adapter is an easy way to add one. Connect the RS-232 serial port to the DE-9 pin
female connector on the router device. Start up a serial terminal application (such as Hyperterminal on
Windows), configure it for the correct system serial port with the following settings: 9600 bps, 8 data bits, no
parity and 1 stop bit (8N1). Make sure the router device is powered on and allow for adequate time for it to
boot up. Press the ENTER key in the serial terminal application once connected and a '>' prompt character
should be displayed. Type the following commands (pressing ENTER after each one) to get the IP address and
5.2 No Ethernet link when connected to network switch
This device utilizes a 10 BaseT Ethernet interface. In the event that the device is connected to a network switch
and no physical link is established, please try the following:
1. Ensure that the Ethernet cable is good (try it with another known good Ethernet device or swap the cable
for a known good cable).
2. Ensure proper power supply is being used for the system (12 Volt 5 Amp)
3. If the switch is a managed switch, try forcing 10 BaseT for the Ethernet port the device is connected to,
instead of rate auto detection.
5.3 Unexpected reboots
If the device is rebooting unexpectedly (detectable on routers when the routing state gets reset to preset 0),
make sure the correct power supply is being used with the device (12 Volt 5 Amp).
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