MSC-2HD0832L Product Manual
>PanelDis 1
The first command queries the current panel disable setting (0: enabled). The second command disables the
internal panel interface.
3.31 PanelExtEn Command
Carina series only - Protocol Version: 2.4
Query or assign external button interface panel enable setting (if applicable – not all router devices have an
external panel interface). This setting is stored and recalled on power up.
Query external panel interface enable setting.
PanelExtEn 0 | 1
Assign external panel interface enable setting (0: disable, 0: enable)
>PanelExtEn 1
The first command queries the current external panel interface setting (0: disabled). The second command
enables the external panel interface.
3.32 PanelRate Command
Protocol Version: 2.1
For changing remote button panel refresh rate. When a button panel is configured to control a remote router the
current connection status is refreshed at regular intervals. This command can be used to increase or decrease
the rate, which is saved and recalled on system power up. The default refresh rate is 5 seconds. This value is
stored and recalled on power up.
Query current panel refresh rate (in seconds).
PanelRate RATE
Set remote panel refresh rate in seconds.
>PanelRate 1
The first command queries the current panel refresh rate, which returns 5 (default). The second command sets
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