MSC-1HD1608S Product Manual
Command example
Connects Source 1 to Destination1 and Source 2 to Destination 2, followed by displaying the Active Routing
matrix status. The <CR> is the Carriage Return character.
3.4.1 Command Names
Command names consist of one or more alphabetical characters and are case
. For convenience with
manual command entry they can also be matched using partial names. The first matching alphabetically sorted
command is used (for example: 'H', 'He', 'hEL' or 'Help' can be used to execute the Help command). However,
this feature should not be relied on with 3
party integration, since a given partial command may execute a
different command as new ones are added to the protocol.
3.5 Response Format
Most command responses consist of one or more values separated by newlines and ending with the ‘>’ prompt
consist of a Carriage Return/New Line (CR LF) pair of characters (ASCII 13 followed by
ASCII 10).
The Prompt ‘>’
A prompt character ‘>’ is displayed each time a command or chain of commands is entered, to indicate
readiness to receive additional commands. If an error occurs in response to a command, an error will be
displayed prior to the prompt with the following format:
E00: Error message
00 will contain a 2 digit decimal error code.
Table 5 shows possible error codes which may be returned in response to commands.
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