O ption Details continued
O ption 17
M ax imum W eight
O ption 17 sets the maximum weight that the unit will display.
LE F T will change the value of the selected digit and R IG H T will
change which digit is selected. For example if you set the
maximum weight to " 100000" and the indicator is sending
" 120000" then the display will go B LA N K until the weight drops
below the threshold value.
O ption 18
F uture O p
O ption 18 is reserved for a future option.
O ption 19
Test M ode
O ption 19 sets the display in test mode. W hile in test mode,
the display will cycle through several weights and output those
weights through the serial ports. Test mode can be used to
test the digits, test the unit’ s ability to output and to quickly
demonstrate the unit' s appearance of different characters to an
end user.
O ption 20
O ption 20 displays the software version of the display. The unit
will display the month, followed by the year. This option is only
used for trouble shooting purposes.